Judge Merchan sets a high bar for judges. It gives me faith in the rule of law.

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He is, indeed, a guardian of justice. I hope that his courage inspires others to stand firm when the law is on their side.

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CJ Roberts is in desperate need of some remedial judicial coaching, and we've definitively found the ideal person to carry out the task.

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No matter what some are saying, Merchan ignored the noise and ruled the only way he could. I too read what was written by Merchan to mean that trump can try to hide all he wants to but this sentence stays on the books. Thanks AG!

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What’s the point? If the last 9 years has taught us anything, it’s that the powerful, who are connected with corrupt Supreme Court Justices and billionaires, will never see a day in prison. Donald Trump committed so many egregious crimes including insurrection, treason, bribery, extortion, rape, bank fraud, tax fraud, election fraud, the list is too long, but will never see justice. Judge Merchan may be a guardian of Justice, but not for Trump. If any one of us did 1/10th of what Trump did, we’d be in prison for life. Instead, Trump will be sentenced to nothing and ascend to the United States presidency where he and his criminal buddies will destroy America, enrich themselves and corrupt more institutions…with ZERO consequences. If Judge Merchan even attempts to sentence Donald Trump, he will be met with prison and/or death via Trump‘s newfound power given to him by a bunch of idiots who don’t know they voted against their own interests.

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Everyone should have known that the justice system in America is severely flawed, corrupt and compromised! Your post is the sentiment of a nation defied of justice Valerie! The virulent strain of rot that plagues the American justice system of a governance, “ for us by us”, shall be its demise!!

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Jan 4Edited

Psychiatrist recommends a full psych eval be mandated as part of Trump's sentencing, out of professional concern for public's safety


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Public servants like Judge Merchan will save our sacred democracy. He should send the orange menace straight to Rikers Island. Government workers have been preparing over the past few weeks to undermine MAGA and Project 2025 Christofascism: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/resisting-project-2025-from-within-government

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Excellent piece Public Servant!!

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It’s a pipe dream, but I wish Merchan would make public the sentence trump would garner if he’d not won the election.

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“Liberty and justice for some.” America has no intention of liberty and justice for all.

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I was never optimistic about a jail sentence for the "white collar " nature of the crime. I am under the impression that a jail sentence IS appropriate for violating the gag order TEN times. Get on it Merchan. Trump can serve the sentence after he leaves his term.

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Not to worry. Trump will commit scores more crimes while in office this time and can be prosecuted for them after his term, if he is still living.

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"Unconditional Discharge" will be a disaster. Trump will use it like he used to AG Barr's distorted summary of the Mueller Report. "No collusion, no collusion." Trump will proclaim that the UD sentence means that he is innocent. Alternative sentences? Stiff fines, 7 days of community service (at a location not accessible to the media), a few days of home confinement, incarceration but delayed while president, incarceration but satisfied on condition of a substantial charitable donation, e.g. Police Athletic League, NIH, Bellevue Hospital, or the like; or a combination of those. Of course, Trump would pay using other people's money, but the recipient 's still get the benefits.

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Well done Judge! Anything to make him squirm...Fabulous! All donald desires is to stay out of jail.

tick tick tick tick....Lock Him Up!!

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Thank goodness. Appreciate your thorough explanation. Merchan is a mensch and gives us all hope that the law still matters. 👏👏👏

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How about a lifelong ban on golfing?

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Is Merchan unable to sentence him as he would anyone else, but suspend the sentence?

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Well, we now have a new Speaker. Let's see if we have a certification of the election on the 6th. If not, does Merchan change the sentencing?

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Fingers crossed Permian!!

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I would like to see T sent to Ryker’s for 8 days with release on the morning of Jan 20.

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