I am so sick of looking at that photo of Aileen Cannon's insipid face.

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I have seen a few photos of her that are not glam shots. I wish media would start using those photos instead of this one!

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THIS is a glam shot?!

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There clearly is only 3-4 file photos that the media pull whenever a MAL docs trial news item runs, and this one as you say is the most insipid..."What, me worry?" comes immediately to mind.

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Every time I look at it, I wonder if there's anything behind her eyes.

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Linda Blair / Regan 😱

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Yes! Hadn't thought of that!

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Deviousness glittering behind those eyes…

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Nope empty

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I would say no.

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Aileen E. Neumann?

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The very same!

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As in, “What, me worry?”

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I’m worried.

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Oh my god! You are so right! I have been haunted by that picture because it looked so oddly familiar. Edward E. Newman! Of course!

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It's Alfred E Neuman, actually.

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I thought it was! Then I googled to check and “Newman” popped up and I didn’t dig any further. Having been a kid in the 70s with a subscription to Mad, I should have trusted my instincts!

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My late brother and I were early Mad Magazine fans going back to the '50s, and there is stuff one never forgets.

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Edwin Newman was a long-time NBC reporter and TV anchor in the '80s, I believe.

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I feel the same. Her smugness is very obvious.

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Punchable,isn't it?

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It’s so disgusting that the biggest criminal, rapist and terrorist in the United States was able to install his very own corrupt judge and that’s a thing now.

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And now he wants to install a sleazeball perp as attorney general . . .

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Add Incompetent to that, please.

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It’s giving complete vacuum.

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Yes I want too… I can’t say, it’s unspeakable.

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Maybe the 11th Circuit judges will remove her?!

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Not without being explicitly asked to do so.

Guessing: Smith wants to win this one, and the next time Lose Cannon crosses him, he will ask for her removal, "she already had 3 strikes, how many more?" in his quiver.

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They have, previously removed without explicit request, when a judge was reversed multiple times. Let's hope they decide similarly, here. It's pretty clear that her decisions have been, at best, jejeune, and at worst prejudicial to the defendant. The circuit will likely take that into consideration.

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Do you have some more details, such as the names of the affected judges?

I have never heard about that happening, but I have heard on various legal podcasts that courts only grant remedies that they were asked to give.

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Don't have names off the top of my head, but one case was U.S. v. Martin

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One notable case where a district judge was removed by an appellate court without being explicitly requested to do so is *United States v. Microsoft Corporation* (2001). In this case, U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson was removed from overseeing the case by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. The appellate court took this action on its own initiative due to concerns about Judge Jackson’s conduct during the trial and after the verdict.

Judge Jackson had made public comments to the media that the appellate court found to be inappropriate and indicative of bias. The appellate court concluded that his extrajudicial statements had compromised the appearance of impartiality, which led them to reassign the case to another judge. This case is often cited as an example of an appellate court exercising its supervisory powers to ensure the fairness of the judicial process.

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Thank you very much.

But I think we can all agree that this is a very rare situation.

On the other hand, we have that reporting that other judges asked her to recuse herself, and she refused. I would assume that these circuit court judges are very much aware of that, too; and maybe know even more about it than we do.

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Aug 26
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@susan. No hurricane please. Florida doesn't need the collateral damage.

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Yeah. Sorry.

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It’s a tragic subject—140 ppl in Ft Myers drowned in Hurricane Ian due to the incompetence of Ron DeSantis!

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Global warming, global warming, global warming. (That was for our jackbooted FL governor, who passed a special law prohibiting the mention of global warming!)

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Humor is often thoughtless. 😕

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It wasn't a terrible idea. Could we focus the hurricane at a precision level? Eliminate the collateral damage?

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I LOVE that idea! 🤣

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A very narrow waterspout might do the trick…they are pretty common in Florida.

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YES, wonderful IDEA!

Cannon will be remembered as a Traitor to our laws, and country!

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That poor guy looks as if he has aged 10 years since having to deal with Cannon but he sure is still on point

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Jack and his team have worked too hard. They won't let all that work be in vain. I hope he and his team had a chance to rest for a good moment. They will NOT just let all of this go. They know what's at stake. They know the crimes and treasons by Trump and MAGA GOP. I'm sure they'll continue until there is some kind of accountability.

This "Person, woman, man, camera, prison" t-shirt is perfect for these times 👇 🤣


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Right, Jack has the mind of a Pit Bull, his target will never escape, You can see that in Jack’s face..

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Right you are. The mind of a dog. Possibly more of a bird brain that keeps flying into windows.

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Truly hard to stomach that this orange lifelong criminal is now wagging the big dog… the insanes are taking over the asylum… the end of the shinning city on the hill!?

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I hope you may be right.

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Why am I seeing this again? Jack smith did nothing. Merrick Garland did less than nothing. Mueller was appallingly useless. Seeing this again is like pouring salt into our wounds.

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He runs on only 3-4 hours of sleep nightly and has had to deal with the constant duress of death threats on his family. It's horrendous that this dedicated man must put up with threats of violence from Trump's Maga morons,and accommodate the onslaught of Trump Lawyers focused on denial and delays,partnered up with a purchased Judge and a corrupt Supreme Court Justice mentoring her on every blockage. I really Don't know how he keeps his compousure,but his integrity and diligence say it All. This case Must be brought to justice sooner than later. No president who behaves like a traitor should ever walk free in America

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This is so refreshing. To read (and thankfully understand) the article brought me so much joy! Cannon is a FrumpPuppet and needs to be removed. How can anyone in the legal system think otherwise??

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Precedent and statutes!

Beautiful work by Smith and

your reporting AG.

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She needs to be stopped. I hope this does the job.

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I love logical arguments. I hope Cannon is taken off this case. It is so obvious that she is in over her head and/or already in the tank for Trump.

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I trust the REAL judges on the 11th circuit have been watching her and rolling their eyes. Surely they will ensure the case goes to a judge who isn’t a Trump fan girl.

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SC Smith is thorough and brilliant legal mind. If he’s of the opinion, as am I, that this case is so obviously troubling—Garland wound not have appointed him. After all, he prosecuted war criminals. I hope that Cannon woman is removed, as I deem her a Confederate and a slimy trumpy Rebel AND an Insurrectionist.

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(pssst! I’ve a broken elbow and in my late 60’s, hence the typos! Forgive me…

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Thank you ALL my compatriots! It’s so welcome!!

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I’m not a lawyer, but reading through Jack Smith’s filing, it seems like he did a pretty thorough and brutal smack down of “judge” Loose Cannon’s “ ruling.”

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Thank you, AG! You are fast! Refreshing Pacer again? 😉

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yuh she’s the best

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I think he actually believes this case will be won regardless of her, and hence upon appeal to the SCOTUS there could be no way to justify them helping Trump. In fact they surely would not even take it!

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There was absolutely no justification of their immunity ruling either.

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ZERO logic or real justification for he is a Traitor, A Thieving traitor as President, & a career criminal. That only scratches the surface of the depth of his damaging LUNACY CIRCUS ACT.

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I hope the 11th Circuit kicks her ass to the curb! She deserves to be disbarred after her actions throughout this ordeal, as well as for the ridiculous dismissal. I don’t care what Clarence Thomas wrote in the brief OF A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CASE.

These people make me sick. The American Voters have a right to hear the evidence in this case before Election Day, and because of her bias and ineptitude, we won’t.

I’m sure it wouldn’t have swayed any MAGAts, but independents out there definitely needed to hear it.

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Thank you- Why do you think he decided not to ask her to be removed? And what are the chances that she will be, if you had to guess?

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I think Jack is leaving it up to the judges above her, so that they make the decision to remove her and it isn’t him asking for it to happen. Then it won’t look like he orchestrated it, and she definitely deserves to be CANNED. Let’s CAN CANNON!!!

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I’m not a lawyer, but it’s pretty clear from your discussion that Cannon’s actions are bogus. She can’t be that dumb so I’d guess she was going for the stall.

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Thanks again for all you do AG, as for the 11th removal of Cannon… fingers crossed!

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must be nice to choose your own judge tho wish i could

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